
Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor – The Wraith Gameplay Trailer

Talion and the Wraith

After being slaughtered alongside his family at the Black Gate, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor’s protagonist, Talion awakes as if from a long slumber and must put the pieces together as to why he has been denied the peace of death.

Talion realises he is inhabited by a mysterious Wraith, who is revealed to be Celebrimbor, the greatest Elven Smith of the Second Age. Celebrimbor was deceived by Sauron into working with him to forge the Rings of Power. After they made the Rings, Sauron betrayed and murdered Celebrimbor as well as his family in circumstances that mirror the death of Talion and his family. This connection unites the two heroes in their pursuit of the Dark Lord.

Who is Celebrimbor?

• One of the most powerful elves of the Second Age

• He was responsible for crafting the Rings of Power alongside Sauron

• Celebrimbor was murdered by Sauron. The spirits of the Elves are immortal within Middle-earth, so Celebrimbor chose not to return to the Undying Lands after he was killed

• Celebrimbor wants to destroy the Dark Lord; as Sauron does not have the One Ring, Celebrimbor can become powerful enough to challenge him within Mordor.

• The power of Celebrimbor, as the maker of the Rings, is very closely tied with the power of the Rings

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